Hello when

does anybody realize, that this was the most stupid statement of Mr. Bush ever?

Bush told Texas newspaper reporters in a group interview at the White House on Monday [1st August 2005, Anm. nja] that he believes that intelligent design should be taught alongside evolution as competing theories.

„Both sides ought to be properly taught . . . so people can understand what the debate is about,“ he said, according to an official transcript of the session. Bush added: „Part of education is to expose people to different schools of thought. . . . You’re asking me whether or not people ought to be exposed to different ideas, and the answer is yes.“

„Intelligent Design“ is a fancy dress. It does not belong to school but to Halloween.
[Citation: The Washington Post, 3rd August 2005]

4 Gedanken zu „Hello when“

  1. Tisha: Herr Bush hätte das ja auch in Spanisch sagen können, diese dir vertrautere Sprache spricht er nämlich gut 🙂 Eine Zusammenfassung in Deutsch über den Stuss gibt’s bei SPIEGEL online – v.a. letzter Abschnitt „Ritterschlag des Präsidenten“.
    Das mit der Höhle soll illustrieren, dass irgendwo in der geistigen Nahrungskette Lehrpersonen ganz grässlich versagt haben.

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