Wissen rettet

Tilly Smith gibt es wirklich. Sie hat einen Strandabschnitt evakuiert, und damit erst noch meine grossen Zweifel ein wenig verkleinert. Und ihren Geografielehrer hat sie auch verdankt. Der hat allen Grund, stolz zu sein.

Girl’s sea warning saved a hundred
A GIRL aged ten saved a hundred fellow tourists from the tsunami
because of a geography lesson about the giant waves. Tilly Smith urged
her family to get off Maikhao beach in Thailand after seeing the tide
rush out and boats on the horizon begin to bob violently.
The youngster, recalling a recent school project on quakes, turned to
her mother Penny and said: „Mummy, we must get off the beach now. I
think there is going to be a tsunami.“ Penny and her husband Colin
alerted others and they cleared the Phuket beach just in time. It was
one of the few beaches where no one has been reported killed or
seriously injured.
Last night Tilly, from Oxshott, Surrey, told The Sun that credit for
her quick-thinking should go to Andrew Kearney, her geography teacher
at Danes Hill Preparatory School.


Und dieses Projekt wurde rasch realisiert. Eine ausgezeichnete Website. Ich sage ja, die UNO macht gute Arbeit, war peinlich genug, so lang nicht Mitglied zu sein. (Through TR, thank you.)

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